Wow, the year has gone so fast and before I know it, 2008 has come to an end. Just finalizing my divorce and I was not too crazy to spend the holidays alone. So I called my daughter, Tifani who happening to be traveling all over the world for a year and a couple of months. "Hi Princess, did you want to spent the holidays with your mommy?" I asked. "ummmmm....I don't think so, Mom!" she replied. "Well, why don't you come and see me instead?" She asked. "Okay" I swallowed her response, trying not to take it personally."Mom, pick a country. You have a multiple choice of meeting me in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, or Thailand! Why don't we meet in Bangkok?" Tifani suggested since she's been on a road trip with her Dad all over Asia for a couple of months now. " I could use a break from my father" she added. "Now, this sounds more interesting for me." I thought. If I don't see her now, I won't see her this year at all! Wow, life is too short and I can't let a year pass without seeing my one and only beloved daughter.
Labels: कम्बोडिया, प्नोह्म पेन्ह, वियतनाम, सीएम रिएप